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Lehigh Carbon Community College


宾夕法尼亚大学转学和衔接中心(PATRAC)的建立是为了提供有关课程转学和大学转学过程的最新和准确的信息. The PATRAC website is updated frequently, 以及与课程可转移性有关的附加信息 participating institutions will be posted as it is made available. Visit the PATRAC website to learn more. 

FAQs about the Transfer Process 


在选择四年制大学时有很多因素需要考虑. 下面列出了一些你在考虑你的选择时可能想问自己的问题:

  • 学校是否提供你正在考虑的专业? 
  • What is the geographic location you prefer? 
  • What are the admissions requirements? 
  • What is the cost of tuition and fees? 
  • 是否有经济援助机会和奖学金? 
  • Do you want an urban or rural setting? 
  • Do you prefer a large or small campus?
  • Is the college accredited? 
  • What is the reputation of the institution? 
  • What is the student/faculty ratio? 
  • Is special help available if needed? 
  • What size student body are you looking for? 
  • Do you want to live on or off campus? Do you want guaranteed housing for transfers? 
  • Are you interested in fraternity/sorority life?
  • 你喜欢私立、公立还是宗教学院? 
  • 你有特别想参加的运动或活动吗? 

What is an “Articulation Agreement”?

衔接协议是LCCC与四年制学院和大学之间的正式协议. These agreements ensure that, 如果你成功地完成了LCCC规定的学习计划, 一般来说,你可以以大三的身份转到参与的大学. You can learn more about articulation agreements here. 

When is the best time to transfer?

With good planning and information gathering, 大多数学生应该能够以60-64学分转学, not including developmental, technical, or nontransferable credits. We recommend using the course comparison guides, general education check sheets, college catalogs, 并在你的转学计划之前咨询学术顾问.  

许多大学希望你转学时有副学士学位,有些大学也有要求. 我们与合作的四年制学校签订的衔接协议要求有学位. In addition, 许多学校为获得学位转学的学生提供慷慨的转学奖学金. 

然而,我们知道你可能会选择提前转学. 这在很大程度上取决于你在转学机构的专业. 与学术顾问讨论你的计划,制定一个对你有意义的时间表. 


Most colleges require a minimum 2.0 GPA or a “C” average for transfer. Usually, a 2.5 GPA or higher is preferred. Competitive programs such as accounting, business administration, computer science, education, and engineering may require a 3.0 or higher. 

To transfer, 你必须在LCCC有良好的信誉,并且必须获得转学学院规定的最低学分. To be considered a transfer student at most schools, 你必须在LCCC获得12到30个学分. 

要了解更多与LCCC有衔接协议的学校的GPA要求, you can view our transfer guides. 

I’m still undecided about my major. What courses should I take at LCCC?

如果你还没有决定你的专业,但相当确定你最终会转学攻读学士学位s degree, it最好选择能满足转学机构通识教育要求的课程. 你可以与指导老师密切合作,以确定在这些要求范围内选修哪些课程. 各学校的核心课程和通识教育指南可在网上查阅. 


Yes! 许多机构专门为转校生提供奖学金. Most are “merit” based, 这意味着他们需要一个特定的GPA和最低学分来申请. 这些奖学金中的许多奖学金超过一个学期,并且要求学生保持一定水平的GPA才能继续获得资格. 一些机构将奖学金申请和截止日期与经济援助分开, 而其他机构则根据入学申请对所有转学生的奖学金资格进行审查. 尽早联系学校,了解你需要提交的截止日期和申请. 许多奖学金的截止日期都在春季学期, 无论学生在哪个学期转学. 

See scholarship opportunities for transfer students.  

For more information email 



  • How many credits are likely to transfer? 
  • 获得四年制学位需要多少额外学分? 
  • What grade point average is required? 
  • Is there job placement assistance after graduation?
  • What are the admissions requirements?
  • 申请是随时接受(滚动录取)还是只有固定的截止日期? 
  • 高中成绩和SAT成绩是必需的还是优先的? Are they used in making the admissions decision? 
  • 学校提供哪些支持服务和学生活动? 
  • CLEP、生活经历或合作教育是否可以获得学分? 
  • Are D grades accepted in transfer? 
  • How many transfer students are accepted each year? 
  • 转学生有特殊的课程或注册日期吗?  
  • Are there any programs not open to transfer students? 
  • What are the costs for tuition and room and board? 
  • What are the procedures to file for financial aid? 
  • Is faculty available to meet with students? 
  • What tutoring assistance is available? 
  • How large are classes? 
  • How many students live on campus?  
  • Is on-campus housing available to transfer students? 校外住宿有哪些机会? 
  • Is parking available? 

Contact Us

Questions about the transfer process? Contact your academic advisor or email 



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